Business Card Etiquette

Posted By:  Camila Farah

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Business Card Etiquette In Asia Business Etiquette Business Card Infographic Japanese Etiquette

Do not hand out your business card to everyone you see as if you are passing out 20 bills. Business cards are required for every business introduction in singapore.

While most will not take offence at immediately pocketing a business card it s good practice to view it briefly before leaving it on the table face up during a meeting.

First things first always bring copies of your calling card with you in a box holder or any container that can protect. Here s to better business card etiquette. Business cards should be exchanged on meeting. It is substandard business etiquette to hand out cards on which you have crossed off an old phone number and written in the new one.

Always make a comment about a card when you receive it. Offer your business card with the contact details facing up. The business card is a representation of a business so take the time to read and appreciate the card you receive don t just put it away. Pay attention to the logo the business name or some other piece of information.

Keep your business card to yourself. Business card etiquette here are a few tips on what to do and what not to do with your business card at networking events. Rule 1 never leave the house or office without your business card. Avoid appearing aggressive with business cards.


If you are sitting when receiving a card stand up. If that isn t happening ask the other person for a card. Don t write notes to yourself on someone else s business card during the exchange unless they appear relevant. You should be standing and never hand it over with just one hand hold it out with both translated side facing up.

Accepting a business card is also done with both hands as a sign of respect.

Knowing the rules of business card etiquette is just one more way to add the polish that builds profits. Keep your cards handy to avoid frantically rifling through your pockets. Run don t walk to your nearest printer for new cards. When sharing your business card do.

Wait to be asked for yours. They are considered a major introduction tool. Present it with one or two hands depending on local customs. When any of your contact information changes.

Use right hand to receive cards.

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